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10 Reasons Why You Should Wear a Life Jacket

Life Jackets are Life Savers and

Made to be More Comfortable.

Life jackets are designed to keep you from drowning in the water, which seems like a great reason to wear one at all times on the water. Yet, millions of people out on boats will choose to go without. The thought that if the life jacket is in the boat itself you are safe isn’t good enough to actually keep you safe. Here let me ask you one question:

Would you have time to find it, grab it and put it on before you and your loved ones are in the water?

The answer is most likely not and for that reason I felt it would be importantto highlight why it should be a priorityto purchase the right life jacket for your needs.

In the past life jackets were a simple design which was a vest made out of wood or corking. You might remember seeing photos from the life boats from the Titanic. These types of life jackets started to lose weight due to a ship wreak were most of the people found were in the water wearing this style of jacket face down in the water. Improvements were made to make a design that kept the head above water.

FromKapok to Balsa Wood, life jackets eventually were made with a foam. In fact, it was during the World War II when servicemen wereissued inflatable foam life jackets called “Mae Wests”. In efforts to make people wear their life jackets, designs have come to be less bulky and more comfortable to the person wearing the jacket. The idea is if they are more comfortable people will wear them and if they wear them less lives will be lost. Today, there are many different designs to suit your activities on the water. Just check out all of the different jackets and sizes available on Amazon (check out Amazon Life Jackets here). Don’t take the chance this summer to go without. It isn’t worth it.

10 Reasons Why You Should Wear a Life Jacket


1. Life Jackets Save Lives

Every year, the U.S. Coast Guard compiles reported recreational boating accidents. These statistics are from the US fifty states, five U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. In 2012 the known cause of death were the following:

459 Drowning (71 of those people had a life jacket on)

103Trauma (35 of those people had a life jacket on)

29 Cardiac arrest (10 of those people had a life jacket on)

11 Hypothermia (5 of those people had a life jacket on)

2 Carbon monoxide poisoning (0 of those people had a life jacket on)

2. Weather doesn’t Matter

You might think it is such a beautiful day outside and there is no way anything could happen to you and your crew. However, the weather isn’t the biggest cause to boat accidents. Here are the top 5 factors for accidents in 2012:

Operator inattention was the cause to 581 accidents.

Operator inexperience was the cause to417 accidents.

Improper lookout was the cause to391 accidents.

Machinery failure was the cause to346 accidents.

Excessive speed was the cause to310 accidents.

3. “I CanSwim Fine.” is a Common Excuse

Overestimating the ability to swim is a major factor when choosing to go without a life jacket. The reality is that no matter how good you are at swimming when faced with fear your mind may react differently than you think it would. Causing you to have high levels ofanxiety and less ability to swim well. Studies have shown 2/3rds of drownings were people who were considered good swimmers, but didn’t wear anything to protect them in the water.

4. Life Jackets keep you Warm

Many life jackets designed today are made to keep your bodytemperature warm while out in the water. The ski jackets are fantastic for people who are floating around waiting for their boat to swing by and pick them up. Here in Minnesota it might take up to August to actually have warm water in our lakes!

5. Life Jackets aren’t just for Kids

About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger. That leaves the other 4 to be older! My point is no matter how old you are you’re never too old to wear one.

6. Drinking & Boating don’t Mix

This seems like another no brainer, but yet there are those who sit out in the boat under the hot sun sipping the day away. Before long the mix can cause great amount of harm. Many DNR folks find people who have fallen out of their boats due to drinking and boating. Wearing the life jacket can help you stay afloat when you aren’t all there.

7. They can Turn you Around the Right Way

Let’s say you get knocked outunconscious and your face is in the water. This would be serious bad news, however there are jackets made that turn you over to a face-up position when in the water. Amazing!


8. Be an Example for Others

People like to be a part of the group and if more people are wearing their life jackets the more lives will be safer. Be the person to start the safe trend in your crowd.

9. Accidents happen close to Land

It doesn’t matter if you are on a dock, boat, jet ski or just swimming accidents happen in all levels of water. It’s better to be prepared for anything if you are around water.

10. Make sure it Fits Before Going Out

  • It is extremely important that you choose a properly fitting life jacket.
  • Jackets that are too big will cause the flotation device to push up around your face, which is very dangerous.
  • Jackets that are too small will not be able to keep your body afloat.

I hope this opens your eyes to the reasons why you should wear a life jacket. There are many different types to choose from for your water activity at Cabela’s. Enjoy your time on the lake and stay safe!

Find A Life Jacket Today At Amazon


Wednesday 17th of July 2013

I like the "I can swim fine" one. I always think about my kids when I am in the boat. If there was an accident I am going to be making sure all of my kids are safe. I am going to be able to help them better if I don't have to worry about myself in the water.

Also, If there were an accident and I had a life jacket but was not wearing it, I wouldn't have time to try to find it and put it on then help my kids. Those moments could mean life or death for a child.